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What is a hard disk: 6 functions and differences from SSD

What's a hard drive?

You may have wondered how to store hundreds or thousands of files on a laptop.

Yup, all of this can be done thanks to the presence of a hard disk drive or HDD in your computer or laptop device.

What is a hard disk: 6 functions and differences from SSD

The hard drive was invented 50 years ago along with the first computers used since the 1980s.

In this article, we will answer your question about what is a hard drive in full.

What is a hard disk: 6 functions and differences from SSD

A hard drive is a hardware device used to store data on a computer or laptop.

The operating system, software, and most of the data or files you have are stored on the hard disk drive.

For those of you who use Windows, you must be familiar with the name Grace because Microsoft Windows by default chooses drive C as the main partition for the computer's hard disk drive.

Hard drive function

1. Can save files in various formats

The hard disk as a user's file storage media is vital, having the ability to accommodate files in various formats or types.

Users can store document-based files, videos or images, and other virtual documents.

Because of this very important function, the hard drive can be called the soul for computer users.

2. Can store application data and software

Furthermore, in the explanation of the article What is a hard disk, namely the function of the hard disk as data storage for applications and software.

Computer users often install software and supporting applications to suit their needs.

3. The hard disk functions as the storage media that comes from the application that you have installed

You need to know that a hard disk must have a large enough capacity to accommodate heavy software and applications.

So you need to pay attention to the quantity of installed applications because it will affect the speed of the process of using your laptop.

4. Data storage media

The hard disk as a database is the main element in a computer system.

This will be stored on the hard drive in the computer and become a data access center for users.

This is a strong reason why the database must be stored on the hard drive where the computer is the storage server.

5. Can store data from the operating system

An operating system like Windows requires a large enough capacity to store files and data from installed applications.

Without a hard drive in a computer device, the operating system will not be able to run as it should.

6. Backup

Many people use the hard drive as a place to store important files, meaning you can duplicate important documents and data that you have onto the hard drive.

This is done to prevent water loss, especially for those of you who work on computers with large systems.

Hard drive components

Hard drive components

What is the next hard disk, namely the hard disk component which is an important part that works together to function properly.

1. Disk

Another name for this component is a platter which is shaped like a thin plate and has a layer of magnetic field.

With this accompaniment, the hard disk is able to store files or data.

The platter as a hard disk component has several other secondary components including:

  • Clusters

  • Cylinder

  • track

  • sector

  • seat

Another name for the holder is the chassis which functions as a container or place for other components to be assembled to form a single hard disk unit.

All component parts that are assembled into one unit will be installed in this holder so that they can function normally.

2. Sieve

As the name implies, a filter or filter is a component that is useful for filtering the air in the hard disk space.

The function of the filter is to prevent dust from interfering with the performance of the hard drive.

3. Actuator Arm

The official name of the leg is the access arm with the function of actuating and holding the read/write head components to the entire surface of the disc or platter.

4. Servomotors

Servo motor or motor driver is an important component in a hard drive.

The function of the servo motor is to move the disc on the axis that is already available and adjust the rotation speed.

The speed on the hard disk disk is calculated in units of RPM or Rotations Per Minute.

5. Head controller

The head controller or head controller on the hard drive functions to control the head so that it can read and write data properly and amplify the signals received and given.

6. Read head

Read Write Head or read head is a mechanical component that is used to write and read data from or to the platter and converts magnetic signals into digit signals.

7. Actuators

Furthermore, in the discussion of what is a hard disk, it is an actuator component that is useful for adjusting the speed of the read head movement when writing or reading data.

Forms of actuators are artificial magnets and permanent magnets.

8. Board components

The board component on the hard disk is an electronic circuit that is useful for managing hard disk performance and checking or detecting the current configuration.

Not only that, the board also functions to regulate the entry and exit of data traffic from or to the computer motherboard.

9. Disc manager

The disk controller is used to manage all the elements on the hard drive and to act as a liaison between the elements inside.

Hard drive types

1. Conventional hard drive

This type is the most common type and you can find it on the market with various sizes, peacocks, and capacities.

Conventional hard drives have disks that are useful for storing data on them.

The weakness of conventional hard drives is durability or durability because the main components will rotate when copying and reading data.

By reducing the use of the hard drive or using it reasonably can reduce the vulnerability and damage to the hard drive.

The advantages of conventional hard drives tend to be cheaper compared to other types and you can get them easily on the market.

2. Solid state drives (SSD)

Currently SSD is the most popular hard drive used by many users.

In terms of construction, SSDs do not use platters or disks for their performance systems but instead use chips that function as storage.

In terms of function, SSDs are similar to USB flash drives.

Meanwhile, in terms of popularity, sSB is considered more in demand by consumers because this type does not require disc rotation so that its performance is not noisy and disturbs the user.

In addition, the performance of copying and reading data in SSD is more stable compared to other types.

In terms of reading speed, SSD performance is faster because the boot and startup processes run smoothly and quickly.

SSD also has a high durability factor so that it is more durable and able to withstand vibrations or other disturbances.


Hopefully, after reading the information related to what is a hard disk above, you can get to know more about computer hardware that you can adjust for your needs at home.

Thank you for reading the article about What is a hard drive and here's a full explanation.

See you again in the next article.

Argo Candra
Argo Candra "You have to believe in yourself.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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