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Definition of Cybercrime and Examples You Must Know

This article will discuss the types, definitions of cybercrime and examples.

Maybe there are still many of us who don't understand the meaning of cybercrime and its examples and types.

Even though as we know, the internet is currently rife with fraud and data theft.

Definition of Cybercrime and Examples You Must Know

Then what is the definition of cybercrime and an example?

To understand what is my understanding of dress and an example, please refer to the article review below.

Definition of cybercrime and examples

Cybercrime is a word that refers to criminal activities using computers or computer networks.

Cybercrime Include:

  • Online auction scam

  • Check manipulation

  • Installment card fraud

  • Fraud features

  • Child pornography

According to Andi Hamzah, cybercrime is a criminal act in which under these circumstances the use of a computer is carried out illegally.

Cybercrime in a narrow sense is any illegal behavior shown intentionally using electronic operations targeting computer security systems from data processed by computer systems.

Or it could also be said as a crime committed using sophisticated technology.

The definition of cybercrime and its examples in a broad sense are crimes related to computers where any illegal behavior is carried out with the intention of or in connection with computer systems and networks.

Cybercrime is any crime committed by using a computer device as a means to gain profit at the expense of other parties.

Cybercrime features

Another name for cyber crime is blue-collar crime or white-collar crime.

Cybercrime has unique characteristics including:

  • Type of loss incurred

  • crime mode

  • The nature of crime

  • Scope of crime

  • Perpetrator

Cybercrime crime method

Cybercrime crime method

The rise of types of cybercrime circulating in cyberspace, you as a dear reader must know how cybercrime works, which is often done so you can be more careful.

1. Spoofing

The act of entering someone's data or identity so that the perpetrator or hacker can log into a computer network like the original user.

2. Password crackers

The act of stealing other people's passwords by using a program that can unencrypt passwords.

This criminal action is often done to disable the password security system.

3. Sniffing

A form of cybercrime method in which the perpetrator searches for other people's usernames and passwords intentionally or unintentionally.

Song will use the victim's account to commit fraud on behalf of the victim or delete or damage the victim's data.

4. DDos (Distributed Denial of Service Attacks)

The act of attack is carried out against a computer or server in an internet network that is carried out by an attacker or hacker.

This criminal attack will use up the resources available on a computer or server so that it cannot function properly.

5. Destructive Devices

Programs or software that contain viruses with the aim of damaging or destroying data on the victim's computer.

For example Worms, Trojans, Email Bombs, Nukes, Horses, and so on.

Types of cybercrimes

Furthermore, in terms of cybercrime and examples, namely the types of cybercrime which are classified according to the activities they carry out.

1. Unauthorized Access

It is a crime that takes place when someone enters or infiltrates a computer network scheme illegally, without permission, without the knowledge of the owner of the network scheme.

Examples are probing and porting.

2. Illegal Contents

It is a crime committed by using information methods or information on the internet that is related to conditions that are incorrect, impolite, and can be suspected of violating the law or disturbing public order.

For example the distribution of pornography or hoax news.

3. Carding

Is a crime committed to steal someone's credit card number and will be used in trading transactions on the internet.

4. Cyber Espionage

It is a crime to take advantage of the internet network to carry out espionage activities against other parties by entering the target party's computer network system.

5. Sabotage and Extortion

It is a crime committed by disrupting, destroying, damaging data or computer programs or computer network systems connected via the internet.

6. Deliberate spread of viruses

Spreading viruses on purpose is usually done by using e-mail.

Generally someone whose email system has been infected with a virus will not be aware of this, which then the virus will spread to other emails via email that has been infected with the virus.

7. Cybersquatting

It is a crime committed by registering the domain name of another person's company and then trying to sell it to another company at a higher price.

8. Typosquatting

It is a crime in cyberspace to create a play domain that is similar to someone else's domain name.

9. Hackers and Crackers

This term generally refers to the act of someone who is interested in studying computer systems in detail and how to improve their capabilities.

Actually cracking activities on the internet have a wide scope, ranging from hijacking other people's accounts, spreading viruses, probing, hijacking other people's websites, to DoS.

DoS (Denial Of Service) is an attack that aims to paralyze the target so that it can hang or crash so that it cannot provide services.

10. Cyber Terrorism

It is a criminal act that threatens the government or citizens, including cracking activities on government or military sites of a country.

Examples of cybercrime cases

In the article the meaning of cybercrime and the following examples are examples of cybercrime cases that often occur in cyberspace.

Fraud through internet sites

Internet users must be aware of the mode of fraud through sites that offer Multi Level Marketing (MLM) assistance programs.

For example, a site that organizes grants from a group of wealthy philanthropists in several countries for individuals or companies.

This site provides requirements for sending a certain amount of funds to an anonymous first account with clear reasons.

Usually fraud through this internet site offers big profits so that it attracts the victims.

This crime includes pure acts of crime via the internet, namely types of illegal contents that attack individuals.


So for those of you who have read the article on the meaning of cybercrime and its examples, it is hoped that you will be more careful when surfing the internet.

Because crimes in cyberspace are far more committed because we don't see the criminal directly like in the real world.

Hopefully you will get additional knowledge about the meaning of cybercrime and examples after reading this article.

Thank you for reading the article understanding vegetables and examples, hopefully this is useful.

Argo Candra
Argo Candra "You have to believe in yourself.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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