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Types of Web Browsers, Functions, and How to Use Them

This article will discuss various types of web browsers along with their functions and how to use them.

Various kinds of web browsers make it easier for all of us to search for information via the internet.

Getting various kinds of information on the internet through a web browser has a lot of positive, significant impacts on our daily lives.

Types of Web Browsers, Functions, and How to Use Them

We must be able to use the internet wisely and must be able to control ourselves so that we are not controlled or enslaved by the internet.

So what are the different types of web browsers? For a full explanation, please read the article below.

Web browsers

Browser is a programming application that runs on a computer device to view content on the World Wide Web media by utilizing a wide internet network.

A web browser is an application or software used to retrieve, present, and traverse various kinds of information sources on the World Wide Web internet network.

These information sources consist of various forms, which can be web pages, infographics, content, images, videos, articles, and others.

With the development of technology that is getting faster and more advanced, currently there are many different kinds of web browsers that we can use.

The various types of web browsers include:

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Opera

  • chrome

  • Safari

  • Internet Explorer

  • Microsoft edge

  • And many more.

  • All kinds of web browsers have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Various kinds of web browsers

Various kinds of web browsers

We are no strangers to using web browsers, even today using web browsers is like a daily necessity.

Even so, there are still many of us who don't know the various types of web browsers and their uses.

Here are some kinds of web browsers that we often use, including:

1. Google Chrome

Nearly 60% of total internet users in the world use Google Chrome as their web browser or search engine.

This Google browser is used in almost all countries in the world, both in Asia, America and Europe.

2. Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is one of the most widely used web browsers by internet users around the world besides Google Chrome.

Approximately 1/6 of the number of internet users in the world, even in Indonesia, is also one of the countries that use the most Mozilla Firefox.

3. Safaris

The users of the Safari web browser in the world have almost reached 16%, because of this, Safari has become one of the most popular search engines in the world.

This web browser made by Apple incorporated was released in 2003 for its production computer devices, namely Mac OS which was then followed in 2007 issued for mobile devices, namely the iPhone mobile.

4. Opera

The next type of web browser is Opera, which is one of the most popular web browsers in the world.

Until now, its users have reached 6% of internet users worldwide for computer devices and 11% of internet users worldwide for mobile devices.

5. Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer users are decreasing in number, however, there are still those who use Internet Explorer as a web browser on their computer or mobile devices.

It was once a Web Browser that was used by up to 95% of internet users around the world from 2002 to 2003.

6. Netscape navigator

Prior to Internet Explorer, Snapchat Explorer had become a popular web browser in the 90s.

This web browser is one of the oldest web browsers in the world with the rapid evolution of the internet that has existed to date.

7. Maxthon Browser

Maxthon Browser or Maxthon browser uses IE as the basis for its programming, but the functions of the Maxthon browser include being able to provide comfort for its users surfing the internet.

Equipped with a magic fill feature to enter member sites so that users can find it easier when searching for information on the internet because Maxthon will store the data.

Maxthon Browser has several tools that are capable of translating site pages into various languages, the appearance is user friendly, and very easy on the eyes.

8. Icab

The next type of web browser is Icab with a speeding car logo.

Icab has many features that are not available on other browsers such as Mac, Icab is the most appropriate choice for browser users who want better performance on all their Mac OS devices.

9. Flock

Flock browser is a web browser that specializes in providing social networking features and is one of the world's first international social browsers based on Mozilla Firefox.

Flock browser has many interesting features that can provide a better experience of social communication on the internet while browsing.

10. UC Browser

UC Browser is one of the many kinds of web browsers that are most often used by many people, not even a few of us who use UC Browser as the main browser engine make Google Chrome the second search engine.

The advantage of the browser is that it can reduce browsing data so that the data you use will be very economical.

The next advantage of the UC browser is that it can manage downloads very well and is very fast compared to other web browsers.

The weakness of the UC browser is that the design looks less attractive and boring because there are no design changes at all.

11. Samsung internet browser

The next type of web browser is the Samsung internet browser which is one of the browsers on mobile or Android output by Samsung.

Initially, the Samsung internet browser could only be used on Samsung Android, but now it has been developed and can be used on various Android brands because it can be downloaded on the Play Store.

The advantages of the Samsung internet browser are that it has high speed and is light and free of ads, while the disadvantages are the unattractive web appearance and the shortcut feature at the bottom of the new tab or home is useless because it only reduces the aesthetic value of the overall display design.

12. Opera Mini

The advantage of this one search engine is that the memory resources used are small, so that users are faster and lighter when starting or searching programs on the internet.

It is suitable for users of computer or laptop devices with low specs.

From Opera Mini, data as well as users of all users will be recorded on the Opera server, so it's less secure and the appearance isn't always attractive either.

Web browser function

After knowing the various types of web browsers along with how to use them and their advantages and disadvantages, this time we will discuss the functions of web browsers, including:

  • To open a web page

  • To ensure the security of a website

  • To support data requests needed by users or known as requesting supporting data items.

  • To collect all data on a website by maximizing views

  • To support the use of search engines or search engines

How web browsers work

  1. Users access the website by typing the address on the site or the URL in the address bar of the web browser.

  2. The web page will receive a user request which will then fetch or fetch data on the DNS server.

  3. Data that has been retrieved from the IP command by typing user, for example

  4. The web page has acquired the IP that is on

  5. Web pages will be accessible to the server using the IP of the DNS server.

  6. The server provides data from content or other files.

  7. The web page has displayed various kinds of content according to user requests.


That's a complete explanation of the various web browsers along with their functions and how to use them.

Hopefully this article can help you get the information you are looking for, thank you for visiting.

Argo Candra
Argo Candra "You have to believe in yourself.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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