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Table Icon Functions On Microsoft Word Menu

This article will discuss the function of the table icon in the Microsoft Word menu which will be explained below.

It cannot be denied that there are still many who do not know the function of the table icon in the Microsoft Word menu.

Even though many of us have used Microsoft Word, the table icon function in the Microsoft Word menu is still often misused.

Table Icon Functions On Microsoft Word Menu

Microsoft Word is a built-in package application in Microsoft Office that functions as a data operator in word form.

For a complete explanation of the function of the table icon on the Microsoft Word menu, read the review below.

The function of the table icon is on the Microsoft Word menu

The function of the table icon is on the Microsoft Word menu

1. Home tab

The table icon function is found on the Microsoft Word home tab menu consisting of five groups, namely:


Inside the clipboard group consists of a set of menus consisting of:

  • Paste

Serves to paste the results of the copy or cut.

  • cut

Serves to cut text or objects that have been selected.

  • Copy

Serves to duplicate the text or object that has been selected.

  • Format Painter

Serves to emulate the document page format into another document that you have selected.

  • Fonts

The menus in the Font group specifically function for formatting around letters consisting of:

  • Fonts

Function to select the font type.

  • font sizes

Function to set the font size

  • Grow font

Serves to increase the size of the font instantly to make your use easier.

  • Shrink font

Serves to reduce the size of the font instantly to make it easier to use.

  • Change case

Function to change the status of uppercase letters to lowercase or vice versa.

  • clear formatting

Function to remove the formatting of the selected text.

  • Bold

Used to make selected text bold.

  • Italic

Serves to italic the text that has been selected.

  • Underline

Serves to provide an underline on the text that you have selected.

  • strikethrough

Serves to provide a strikethrough on the text that you have selected.

  • Subscripts

Serves to type characters in a smaller size or like exponents but placed under letters not above letters like exponents.

  • Superscript

Function to type characters in exponential form.

  • Text effects

Serves to give artistic effects to the text that you have selected.

  • Text highlight color

Serves to provide a bright color or like a highlighter behind the selected text.

  • Font color

Serves to set the color of the text you choose.


The paragraph group consists of a set of menus that have the same function to arrange text paragraphs according to your needs, including:

  • bullets

Serves to provide bullet marks for each paragraph that has been selected.

  • Numbering

Serves to give the numbering format in each paragraph.

  • Decrease indent

Function to shift the second line of the paragraph to the left.

  • Increase indents

Function to shift the second line of a paragraph to the right.

  • left to right

Function to change the direction of text running from left to right in Latin format.

  • right to left

Function to change the direction of text that runs from right to left in Arabic format.

  • sort

Serves to sort the data that you have entered.

  • Show paragraph marks

Function to show or hide correction marks in paragraphs.

  • Align text left

Function to set the text to be left aligned.

  • Center

Function to set the text to be centered.

  • Align the text right

Function to set the text to be right aligned.

  • Justify

Function to set the text to be aligned right and left.

  • Line spacing

Function to set the spacing between lines in the text.

  • Shading

Serves to set the background color of the text that you have.

  • Borders

Serves to provide a border in the existing text.


Group Styles only consists of two menus, namely:

  • Heading Styles

A menu that contains options for the title or subtitle format of the paragraph you have selected.

  • Change styles

Menu that contains theme setting options in paragraphs.


In general, group editing consists of the following functions, namely:

  • find

Function to search for certain words based on certain keywords in a file that you have entered.

  • Replace

Function to find and replace words that have been found to be replaced later with the specific words you want in a file.

  • Select

Serves to select certain objects or text in the file or document that you open.

2. Insert tab

The table icon function is found on the Microsoft Word insert tab menu which is useful for inserting objects into the document you are currently opening or managing.

The form of object insertion into the document can be in the form of image objects, tables, shapes, and symbols or other special characters.

By using the insert tab, you can also insert links into files that are outside the document, even links that come from the internet.

The table icon function is found on the Microsoft Word insert tab menu consisting of 7 groups including:


  • Cover page

Serves to insert and select the type of cover page.

  • Blank pages

Function to add a new blank page into an open document or file.

  • Break pages

Serves to separate one page from another in one document.


  • Insert tables

Function to add tables through the Insert table dialog into your document.

  • Draw tables

Serves to add a table by drawing in an open document.

  • Convert text to tables

Serves to make the text that you have selected into a table form.

  • Excel spreadsheets

Serves to insert a table in the form of a Microsoft Excel worksheet in Microsoft Word with the type already available in the form.


  • Picture

Serves to add images stored on the computer into your document.

  • Clip art

Serves to add small illustrative images that are already available in the Microsoft Word program.

  • shapes

Serves to add autoshape image objects to your documents that are already available in the Microsoft Word program.

  • Smart art

Serves to add images in the form of an organization chart or organization.

  • Charts

Function to add diagrams to the document.


  • Hyperlinks

Function to add text links or selected objects from other files.

  • Bookmarks

Function to add bookmarks in your document.

  • Cross-reference

Function to add or create references between files.

Headers & Footers

  • headers

Function to set the page header in a file.

  • footers

Serves to set the footer settings in a file.

  • Page numbers

Serves to add and make page number settings.


  • Textboxes

Function to add a box that you can fill with text into the document you open.

  • Quick parts

Function to set text automatically.

  • Word art

Function to add text with artistic style.

  • Drop stamp

Function to add capital letters at the beginning of a paragraph.

  • Signature Line

Serves to add a digital signature to the document.

  • date & time

Function to add the current date and time to the document.

  • object

Serves to add objects with the existence of object linking and embedded into the document.


  • Equation

Function to add symbols to equations called arithmetic.

  • symbols

Function to add special characters to the document.


That's a little explanation regarding the function of the table icon found on the Microsoft Word menu in this article.

Although on this occasion we can only explain the two functions of the table icon found on the Microsoft Word menu, namely the home and insert tabs, I hope this article can help and add to your insight regarding the function of the table icon found on the Microsoft Word menu.

Thank you for reading the article the table icon function is on the Microsoft Word menu, good luck!

Argo Candra
Argo Candra "You have to believe in yourself.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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