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5 Uses of the Internet and Intranet You Should Know

This article will discuss 10 uses of the internet and intranet along with the differences that you need to know.

Where the internet is a computer network that is connected globally using public IPs that can be accessed by everyone on various devices.

The device must be connected to the internet network either via cable or wireless media.

5 Uses of the Internet and Intranet You Should Know

Meanwhile, an intranet is an internal network in a building, organization, or area that uses private IP addresses between computers in a closed network.

The use of the internet and intranet has their respective functions which will be discussed in completeness further in the following article.

Use of the Internet and intranets

Use of the Internet and intranets

Internet usability

1. Connect multiple computers globally

A network consisting of many computers connected to one another is known as the internet.

A computer, for example, is connected to the internet which can be connected to other computers even though they are very far apart in various parts of the world.

Currently, the development of the internet, especially in Indonesia, is very rapid along with the emergence of many providers competing to attract customers to use internet connection services at quite affordable prices.

For example, someone who lives in a remote area can still contact relatives who are in other parts of the world without difficulty.

Even though the distance that must be covered in fact takes a lot of time and costs, thanks to the internet, distance is no longer a significant obstacle to connecting everyone around the world.

2. Connecting many resources from all corners of the world

Now Sending and receiving documents can be done in a very short time to all corners of the world by using the internet.

The documents you send can be placed on a server that can be accessed by people all over the world without the hassle and time consuming.

It is also very possible for an employee to accept and complete his work in various places around the world via the internet.

Messages stored on servers or documents stored on servers can be received and sent in an instant.

In fact, along with the development of today's technology, internet speed is increasing so that one can very easily receive and send various documents from various resources or servers around the world via the internet.

3. Connect the network without restrictions

By using the internet, all devices are not restricted from accessing other devices because the nature of the internet is very open or open source for many people.

This also encourages many people to abuse the internet to commit criminal acts against other people or organizations through the internet network.

For example, a server from an organization connected to the internet functions properly, namely to serve general data requests from a public organization.

For example, the tax office accesses various devices on the internet, but it is hacked or server control and access to private data is taken over by irresponsible people.

Therefore, it is advisable to manage the security of servers connected to the internet by carrying out periodic security checks because often the internet is too open, allowing other people to commit harmful crimes.

4. Allow anonymous access to the server

Many techniques can be used to hide location information or information about the device you are using to access information from a server or website.

For example, for certain purposes of polling or market surveys, the confidentiality of the information of the survey participants is required.

With the convenience of the internet, this can be done very easily without having to set up a secret room for gathering and requesting information from participants for such purposes.

5. The network is very wide

The internet network is very broad and can even cover the world or internationally with a strong network and can be accessed anytime and anywhere through many rapid technological developments.

Intranet use

1. Connecting many computers in an organization or company

Computer networks within an organization need to be distinguished and cannot be accessed from that organization or company.

It can be said that the internet computer network cannot be accessed by people who do not have access because the local intranet network connects one computer to other computers within its citizens.

By using an intranet network, outsiders who do not have access to the network will remain outside the scope of the company's internet network so that secrets will be safely maintained.

2. Connecting resources in one network so they can be used together

This is the difference between the use of the internet and the next intranet where the intranet network can be used to share hardware or software to all computers in a closed intranet network, not open like the internet.

For example, an admin makes a printer that can be used by all office computers, makes documents that can be accessed on an intranet network, and creates a shared application that can be used and accessed together within an organization.

Case in point, the Cashier application in a restaurant or franchise can be checked only from the intranet of that organization.

3. Restrict access to certain resources

Using an intranet network, network administrators can limit access rights on a server or network by using ID data on each computer.

One of the differences in the use of the internet and intranet is that the nature of the intranet is very closed, while the internet is very open.

Someone who can access the internet must have their own idea in the form of an IP or ID that is fixed for a user.

This allows us to provide resources according to what has been determined by the network administrator for everyone in the organization or company.

There is also a network administrator who can track if a user tries to gain access that he is not part of or is prohibited from accessing.

4. Securing the intranet network within the organization or company from other parties

The internet is much safer than the internet because it is implemented within a company or organization with strict security for resources such as:

  • File or document security

  • E-mail security

  • Security of important data

Settings on the internet do not allow connections to the public by determining control over access from devices that can access important files within the company so that people on the internet network can more easily and possibly access these data.

5. Narrow network

The difference between the uses of the internet and the next intranet is that the network that can be reached by an intranet network is a network that only covers a small, narrow, local area.

The development of internet networks is also slow and is usually used by office network systems, universities, hospitals, schools, and so on.


That's all the discussion on the use of the internet and intranet that we can convey to all of you readers.

So it can be concluded that the use of the internet and intranet refers more to general aspects where the data shared or accessed is open to the internet and closed to the intranet.

In addition, the distribution of internet locations is also wider, while the internet is used more for local or narrow purposes with strict data confidentiality safeguards.

Hopefully this article on the use of the internet and intranet can add to your insight and information.

Thank you for reading this article and see you in the next article.

Argo Candra
Argo Candra "You have to believe in yourself.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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