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Freelancer Is: Definition, Tips and Examples

This article will explain about freelancers, including understanding, advantages, disadvantages, tips, along with examples.

Voting is a profession that is currently in great demand by people, and the number of freelance workers in Indonesia has even reached 33.34 million in 2020.

This figure has jumped by around 26% or 4.32 YouTube people from the previous year, this is of course one of the impacts of the co-19 pandemic.

Freelancer Is: Definition, Tips and Examples

We can all see that being a presenter is indeed quite profitable. The opportunity to get a bigger income is also very possible to get.

In addition, freelancers can also work anywhere and anytime with very flexible hours.

Definition of freelancers

Is work that is done by someone without being bound by a contract at all, but has a work bond in accordance with the agreement of both parties.

Examples of freelancer jobs are jobs that are usually offered or done by a service or expert who can work remotely, for example graphic designers, article writers, website creation services, and others.

Because this work is not bound by a contract at all and is also not bound by time, a freelancer can work for several projects or clients at the same time.

For example, a freelancer content writer or article writer can take on an article writing project on one website from client A, but on the other hand, they can also take on a news article writing project on another website from client B.

Of course, this is not bound by any particular limitations or conditions, you can take on many projects at once as long as you are able to complete these projects.

Because freelancers are jobs that are considered very flexible, this profession has so many enthusiasts, even in America in 2020, 48% of work is freelance workers, not office workers who are bound by a contract and time.

Meanwhile in Indonesia alone in 2020 there were 33.34 people working as freelancers and this work helped contribute to economic growth in Indonesia.

We need to know that the increasing number of freelance workers is also influenced by the profit factor offered by the client.

The advantages of being a freelancer

Below are some of the advantages or advantages of being a freelancer, namely as a profession that is in great demand because of its flexibility.

1. Working time is more flexible

Having a much more flexible working time is not just an assumption or a dream, because in fact, around 68% of freelancers stated that flexibility of work schedule is their favorite reason why many people choose to work as a freelancer.

You can freely set your own schedule whenever, wherever according to your own needs, you can balance between daily life and work very easily, especially for those of you who work more productively at night.

You are free to work at any time as long as the work can be completed on time according to the wishes of the client.

You can also have a more balanced life between work and personal life, this is of course everyone's dream.

2. Can work from anywhere

The advantage of being a freelancer is that you can work anywhere, apart from anytime.

Even fun, you can still work even though you are on vacation outside the city.

Your job name can be completed properly and on time, the client will of course not demand much from you as his work.

This one advantage can also give you the opportunity to get projects or other jobs from anywhere, both across cities and even across countries.

Everything can be done online because now all kinds of things for your work needs can be done through the internet and other supporting applications such as Zoom or Google Meet.

3. Not bound by unnecessary rules

Regulations do need to be made to maintain order and discipline in life, but it will be a different story if you work as a freelancer.

You are not bound by absolute rules because you can determine the price of the work, the processing time, the number of clients, and other things related to the work according to your needs.

If you want to get more income, you can increase the number of clients in a certain time or you can also take a short vacation to refresh your mind according to your wishes without the need to ask for approval from other parties.

In addition, if there are clients who do not comply with the agreements that have been previously set, you can refuse or end the collaboration anytime, anywhere, according to your wishes because you are your own boss.

4. Opportunity to earn greater income

Data from 1000lancers states that an online freelancer who uses his services averages an income of 9.8 million rupiah from each of his projects.

A freelancer will indeed be paid according to the sector and expertise, the higher the skill you have, the greater the income you will get.

For example website creation services, a programmer, architect or drawing services, and so on. .

You can also get more income if you dare to add more projects as long as you can complete the work.

Disadvantages of being a freelancer

Even though being an online freelancer has many advantages as mentioned above, still, every job has risks and weaknesses or drawbacks, as well as the profession of a freelancer.

1. Income is not fixed

Even though the income from a freelancer has a very large opportunity, this income can change every month, so you can get a high income or vice versa.

This is because work as a presenter depends on the number of clients and the quality of the project you are working on.

Because of this, the financial condition of a freelancer is less stable than that of contract workers.

It is recommended that freelancers make a strategy to still be able to get projects every month because this is very important and don't forget that you also need to improve your financial management skills and self-abilities to be even better.

2. Must have own work facility

If you have made a unanimous decision to switch professions as a freelancer, you need to have your own work facilities such as internet, desks, chairs, laptops, or paid software for your project needs.

This is of course different from contract workers because you will usually be facilitated according to the needs of the company, so you don't have to spend money to facilitate yourself when working.

3. Need to take care of insurance independently

Occupational accident health insurance is mandatory for every worker, but it's a shame, silencer workers of course don't have this job facility.

Contract workers will usually get insurance from a company that is managed by the HRD team, so you just have to accept it is done.

But don't worry, you can manage your own insurance administration matters independently and you can choose the right insurance according to your wishes and according to the monthly payment budget that you have.

Examples of the most sought-after online freelance jobs

Examples of the most sought-after online freelance jobs

1. Graphic design

Social media post design services, logo creation, illustrations, brochures, and so on that you can usually make through several important processes such as Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator.

The income earned from online graphic design freelancers has a very fantastic value, according to a survey, graphic design freelancers can generate income worth 85 dollars or around IDR 1,200,000 per hour.

2. Website creation

Web developer or website creation is an example of the work of online freelancers who are much sought after and generally around 45% of freelancers offer website creation services.

Other research states that the use of JavaScript and PHP is the most widely used and sought-after programming language for website creation.

So, if you have coding skills or create websites with databases, you can offer your expertise to get financial coffers that are quite interesting to try.

3. Website or application designer

Examples of freelancers are others, namely web design services that many people are looking for, if a web developer is in charge of building a website along with its features and functions, it is different from a Web Designer whose job is to beautify or beautify the appearance of the website.

A Web Designer must also have a good understanding of good UI UX rules so that they can help the website or application used by its users be user-friendly.

If you are interested in the current field of freelancing, you need to understand the use of tools such as Adobe Photoshop, figma, sketch, Adobe Illustrator, and so on.

4. Writer of article content

The work of a freelancer as an article content writer is a content writing service that is most sought after by blog or website owners.

There are also many kinds of copies of writing content, ranging from business, technology, sports, health, and so on.

In Indonesia, the rate per article for writing on a blog usually ranges from Rp. 15,000 to Rp. 50,000 per article, depending on the number of words and the level of complexity of the topic to be written.

If you have the ability to write concepts in foreign languages such as English or Mandarin, you can get clients from abroad and of course the interest you get can be far greater than what you get from clients in Indonesia.

5. Seo specialists

The technique of using SEO is indeed very popular among digital marketers because SEO is a series of website optimization processes so that they can enter the top ranking on page 1 of Google.

With the rapid growth of online business through websites or websites, the job as a presenter, I am a specialist, is also increasingly needed and has the opportunity to get many benefits.

6. Photography

If you have a hobby of photography, you can benefit just by uploading photos on online photo selling websites such as Adobe stock, Shutterstock, Alamy, and many more.

You need to know that every time a photo or image that you upload to the online photo selling website and then download it by someone else, you can get half a dollar in profit.

The better the quality of the image you upload, the higher the price offered.

In Indonesia, buying and selling transactions on an online photo selling website such as Shutterstock are increasing by 49% every year.

Abnormalities and selling photos that you have captured, you can also offer photo project services to new clients such as graduation photos or wedding photos and of course you can get bigger profits.

Tips to become a successful freelancer

  • Determine your area of expertise first

  • Determine the right rate and in accordance with the skills and qualities that you offer yourself

  • You must have a portfolio that can be accessed online

  • Promote the freelance services you offer

  • Register on online freelancer sites


That's a brief explanation about freelancers, including definitions, advantages, disadvantages, tips, and examples.

So, are you interested in switching professions to become an online freelancer? All choices return to your hands.

Thank you for reading the freelancer explanatory article which includes understanding and other information about the world of freelance in this article, I hope the freelancer article's explanation can add information and insight to you.

See you next time!

Argo Candra
Argo Candra "You have to believe in yourself.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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