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Definition of computer language or programming language and its kinds

Do you know what computer language is even though we often use it in everyday life?

This language is used in the world of programmers where this language becomes instructions that must be executed on computer devices.

There are a large number of programming languages around the world, of the many existing programming languages, each has a level or level.

Definition of computer language or programming language and its kinds

Programming languages use unusual words, words which are unique codes that carry out certain commands for computer devices.

For further explanation, please understand the review below.

Computer language or programming language

Computer language or programming language

Is a programming set that is used for a computer program.

For example Pascal, dbase, Fortran, Clipper, Basic, Cobol, Delphi, Java, C#, C++, APC, Prolog, Eiffel, Simula, Visual, HTML, Modula-2, and others.

Within a computer's CPU processor there are a limited number of commands known as machine code names.

Language codes are used to communicate the data contained in the device, for example a computer.

The CPU in the computer only recognizes these languages, all programming languages must be converted into machine code first so that the CPU can process and execute the commands given by the programs that have been made.

This computer language becomes standard instructions for instructing computers in collecting syntax and semantic rules.

This language is used by programmers to determine exactly which data will be processed by the computer, how to store data, and what types of steps will be taken in various situations of the programming process.

Computer language level

Low level language

This computer language or programming language uses a language that is still far from human language as an example of assembly language.

Intermediate level language

At this intermediate level the language can enter into high or low level languages, for example C language.

High level language

High-level programming language because the language is close to human language.

For example, basic languages, Pascal, Java, Visual Basic, and so on.

Various kinds of computer languages

These programming languages are often used by programmers until now.

1. Java programming language

Java is a programming language that can run on almost all types of computer devices, including mobile phones.

Java cannot be confused with JavaScript, they are different, how is javascript a scripting language used by web browsers instead of hardware devices such as computers or mobile phones.

2. C programming language

The C language was created to program computer systems and networks where this language is also often used to develop application software.

C language is also widely used in various types of operating system platforms and computer architectures.

Not only that, some even use it in some very popular compilers now available.

3. RUBY programming language

Ruby language is an object-oriented scripting language.

The purpose of this language is to combine the advantages of all scripting programming languages that exist around the world.

Ruby is written in the C programming language and basic skills such as Perl and Python.

4. PYTHON programming language

Python is a dynamic programming language that supports object-oriented programming.

The paytren language can be used for various software development needs and can be run on many operating system platforms.

5. ColdFusion programming language

ColdFusion is an application server and software development framework used for developing computer software, especially dynamic websites.

6. PHP programming language

The PHP language is the most widely used script programming language today.

PHP was first created in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf.

In the same year, PHP was still using the name FI or Form Interpreted in the form of a set of scripts to process form data from the web.

7. SQL programming language

SQL or structured query language which is a programming language for accessing data in relational databases.

This language is de facto the standard language used for relational database management.

Currently, almost all existing database servers support the SQL programming language for data management.

8. COBOL programming language

It stands for common business oriented language, third generation programming language.

As the name implies, COBOL has the function of solving trade-related problems.

In this programming language there is a financial management system, company expense reports, and all kinds of things related to buying and selling or business.

9. Microsoft Visual Basic programming language

Visual Basic (VB) Is a programming language that offers a visual integrated development environment (IDE) for programming software based on the Microsoft Windows operating system.

This programming language uses the COM programming model and is a derivative of the BASIC programming language that offers fast graphical software development.

10. HTML programming language

Html or hypertext markup language is a forced programming language used to create web pages and display information in an internet browser.

11. DELPHI programming language

The next computer language is DELPHI.

Generally this language is used for the development of database-based desktop and enterprise applications.

As a General Purpose development tool, DELPHI can be used in various types of software development projects.

12. Visual C++ programming language

The Visual C++ language is an integrated development environment (IDE) product using the C programming language.

C++ was developed by Microsoft and is one part of the Microsoft Visual Studio package.

13. ASP programming language

ASP or active server pages is a web programming language for creating dynamic web pages.

KSP is a technology product provided by Microsoft and works on a web server which is a side scripting server.

14. C++ programming language

This computer language has object-oriented programming properties to solve a problem.

C++ works by describing classes which are predefined subclasses as abstractions of physical objects.

The class contains the state of the object, its members, and the capabilities of the object that has been created.

Once the class is created, the problem will be solved with that class.

15. WML programming language

Wireless markup language is a programming language used in XML-based applications (extensible markup language).

This computer language is used in wireless applications which is an analogy of HTML running on wireless protocols.

16. XML programming language

XML or extensible markup language is a useful markup language recommended by the W3C for describing various types of data.

XML uses markup tags like HTML but its use is not limited to displaying website pages.

The use of this computer language is a method for creating markers or markup in a document.

17. JavaScript programming language

Javascript is a reliable scripting language that runs on the client side.

This language uses a scripting language developed by Netscape.

To run scripts written using JavaScript, you need a JavaScript enabled browser that is capable of running JavaScript.

18. CFM programming language

CFM is created using the ColdFusion tag with Adobe ColdFusion or Blue Dragon or ColdFusion Studio software.

The syntax of ColdFusion is based on HTML.

19. PERL programming language

PERL is a computer language for machines with unix operating systems, namely SunOS, BSD, HP-UX, and Linux.

PERL is also available for Windows operating systems, DOS, BeOS, VMS, PowerPC, EBCDIC, and PC packages.

This programming language is similar to the C programming language.

20. CSS programming language

Cascading Style Sheets is a stylesheet programming language that is used to adjust the appearance of documents written in a markup language

The most common use is for formatting web pages written with html and xhtml.

The CSS programming language can be used in all types of XML documents including SVG UKT and XUL.

The specifications of the CSS programming language are regulated by the World Wide Web consortium or W3C.


Hopefully this article is useful, see you again in the next article.

Argo Candra
Argo Candra "You have to believe in yourself.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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