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Complete Discussion About Computer Networks

This article will discuss about computer networks in full for you readers.

Computer networks have become part of everyday life, especially for nineteen mothers, where all activities need to be carried out online via the internet network.

The widespread use of the internet lately, has led to many positive and negative sides for its users.

Complete Discussion About Computer Networks

Therefore, we need to understand about computer networks so that we can overcome the positive and negative sides of using computer devices using the internet network.

For a full explanation of computer networks, see the explanation in the article below.

About Computer Networks

A computer network is a collection of devices that are networked or connected to each other through a transmission medium, which can be wired or wireless so they can communicate with each other.

about computer network is also a telecommunications network that allows each computer device to communicate and exchange data or information.

The purpose of the computer network is to achieve service delivery to the client and provide or send the service to the server or server.

This computer network design is called a client-server system used in almost all computer network applications around the world.

Computer network topology

Computer network topology

Below are some examples of computer network topologies that are commonly used by many people.

1. Star topology

As the name suggests, we can already know that the shape of a star topology network resembles a star shape as a characteristic where there is a node in the middle and each workstation will be connected to that node.

Advantages of star topology

  • Easy to repair when there is tissue damage.

  • If an error occurs on one of the workstations, it will be much easier to detect which one is having problems.

  • If one is damaged, it will affect the other workstations.

  • Easy to implement

  • If you wish to add more workstations, you should have no trouble connecting the new devices to the nodes without disrupting the entire network.

Disadvantages of star topology

  • If too many devices use the network, the network traffic will be very slow.

  • Requires expensive costs for installation because it requires a lot of transmission media.

  • The number of terminals is limited depending on the hub itself.

  • If there is a problem at the central node, the other devices will experience interference.

2. Bus topology

This type of topology on a computer network connects two or more computer devices serially using cable media as data traffic.

Usually this topology is used on small-scale networks for all network devices connected via a single cable.

Bus topology is also usually used for computers, radio, or television as a data transmission medium.

As the name implies, the bus topology resembles a room in a bus cabin which functions as a liaison for computer networks with a small or large number as a place to exchange data or information.

Advantages of the bus topology

  • Installation is not very complicated.

  • The network scheme is simple.

  • Requires a relatively low cost because it does not require a lot of cables like the star topology.

Disadvantages of bus topology

  • Requires multiple connectors to add a new device.

  • In the data transfer process, the users must take turns because if it is done simultaneously there will be a current collision.

  • If there is interference or problems will be difficult to detect.

  • The network will get worse the more devices are connected.

  • Requires additional devices such as repeaters to strengthen the signal.

3. Ring topology

Ring topology or ring topology is a network topology in the form of a series of points connected from one device to another so that it forms a circular path like a ring.

The ring topology has each point or node that functions as a repeater to amplify the signal along its circulation.

This means that each device will work together to receive a signal from the previous device which is then forwarded to the next device where the process of receiving and forwarding the signal is assisted by TOKEN.

With a working system like this, the signal strength in the ring topology network flow can be maintained.

The ability of the data signal along a circuit loop is of the utmost importance in a ring topology.

Advantages of ring topology

  • Easy to install and implement.

  • It has better performance than the bus topology, moreover, the data flow is more stable to lift even heavy data streams.

  • Easy to reconfigure and install a new device.

  • Save cable.

  • There will be no data transmission collisions because at a time there is only one node that can transmit data.

  • Easy to track and isolate errors in the network because it uses a point to point configuration.

Disadvantages of ring topology

  • More difficult to configure than star topology.

  • Communication performance in the network is highly dependent on the number of points or nodes in the network.

  • Network development is more rigid because the process of moving, adding, and changing network devices affects the entire existing network.

  • Sensitive to errors in the network so that if there is an interruption in the network, the node will be disrupted and result in disruption to the entire network, but this can be anticipated by using a dual ring or dual ring.

4. Tree topology

about the next computer network, namely a computer network topology tree where the structure is a combination of bus topology and star topology.

A tree topology is also called a multilevel topology or a tree topology whose network shape is indeed similar to a branched tree and has many branches.

The branches in the tree topology have several network levels where the higher network is able to control and influence the network at the lower level.

The tree topology also groups each client with a hub that functions as a communication center like the network structure in the star topology.

Each communication center will be connected to one another using a bus topology network, using the main cable as the backbone.

Advantages of tree topology

  • Easy to implement or implement in large-scale computer networks.

  • If you want to add clients or expand your network, you can do this very easily.

  • Damage experienced by one client or workstation will not affect other workstations.

  • Easy to manage, inspect, and network isolate in the event of a crash.

  • The data processing is good because the communication process occurs gradually from one hub to another.

Disadvantages of tree topology

  • Communication on each computer device must go through the hub first to make network performance and data flow slower.

  • There are many designs in the node so that the maintenance of network stability is quite complicated.

  • Cable installation and configuration is more complicated than other types of topologies.

  • Requires a lot of cables and hubs so the cost is expensive.

  • Because the process of sending data must go through the main cable first, the data traffic becomes very congested and it is very possible for file or data or stream collisions to occur.

  • If the main cable is damaged, then the entire network can be affected.

  • If the computer on the top level is damaged, the computer on the lower level will also be affected.

  • Because hubs play an important role in a tree topology network, if one hub is damaged, the entire network is also disrupted.

5. Mesh topology

It is a combined topology of ring and star topologies and the form of connection between devices is connected directly to other devices in the network.

This results in the Mesh Topology in which each device can communicate directly with the intended device, unlike the method of communicating in a tree topology.

Advantages of mesh topology

  • Able to detect disturbances and errors in the network in a very fast and precise time.

  • If an error occurs on one computer from a network perspective, the other computers will not be affected.

  • By sending data on a mesh topology network it tends to be faster because it has a direct communication link so that the data can be sent directly to the destination computer, this also speeds up the delivery of data and information.

Disadvantages of mesh topology

  • The installation process is complicated and not recommended for beginners.

  • The costs incurred are also not small because you need to buy various kinds of components, besides that, the maintenance costs are also quite large.


That's the discussion about computer networks that we can convey on this website, I hope this article discussing computer networks can add information and insight to you.

Thank you for visiting to read articles about computer networks, see you again in the discussion of the next useful article.

Argo Candra
Argo Candra "You have to believe in yourself.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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